Your back handles a lot of heavy burdens. Your back helps you lift, carry, push, and pull things. Your back helps your arms and legs move. Your back helps to hold up your shoulders, neck, and head. When your back hurts, your entire body can hurt too.
Back pain can be caused by:
If you have back pain and it goes untreated, you may experience unpleasant side effects like these:
There are a lot of steps you can take to help prevent back pain. Remember to:
If you have back pain, you can try a few simple tips at home to get relief. Remember to:
For acute or chronic back pain that doesn’t go away or gets worse, your chiropractor can help. Treatments and services your chiropractor may recommend include:
You don’t have to suffer from back pain. Your chiropractor can help you and your back feel better. For more information about chiropractic treatments for back pain and other chiropractic services, call your chiropractor today.
Headaches and migraines can make life difficult. The pounding, throbbing pain can make it impossible to think about anything else. Fortunately, your chiropractor has the answers and expertise you need to get relief.
There are many factors which can contribute to headaches and migraines. Certain substances like caffeine found in foods and beverages can contribute to headaches and migraines. Other factors which can cause headaches and migraines include:
When you have a headache or migraine, you might experience:
For mild headache or migraine symptoms, it might help to:
For chronic, moderate to severe headache or migraine symptoms, it’s best to seek out help from your chiropractor. Chiropractic treatments for headaches and migraines include:
Therapeutic massage, to relax your face and head, and relieve tension and pressure in your head and sinuses.
Gentle manual adjustment of your cervical spine, shoulders, and back, to help relieve pressure caused by poor posture and body alignment.
Biofeedback training, using devices to measure and monitor the level of tension in your muscles. Biofeedback training helps you learn to relax your muscles and relieve stress and pressure.
Relaxation training, using deep breathing and meditation to help with pain control.
Gentle neck, shoulder, and back stretches to relax tense muscles and relieve pressure which can contribute to migraines.
You don’t have to suffer from headaches and migraines when help and relief are just a phone call away. To learn more about the symptoms and treatment of headaches and migraines, call your chiropractor today.
If you’ve ever been in a car accident and experienced severe neck pain, chances are you’ve had whiplash. It’s one of the most common injuries from vehicular accidents. Fortunately, your chiropractor can help you heal and recover.
During a car accident, your head and neck can be suddenly thrown from side to side, simulating the action of a whip, which is how whiplash gets its name. The sudden, violent action can cause muscle, tendon and ligament strain.
Whiplash signs and symptoms can take time to develop. Typically, within 24 hours of the accident, you may notice these signs and symptoms of whiplash:
If you think you might be suffering from whiplash, you can try a few simple home remedies like these to get relief:
For moderate to severe whiplash signs and symptoms it’s important to visit your chiropractor. There are several effective ways your chiropractor can help you heal and recover from whiplash. Your chiropractor may recommend:
You don’t have to suffer from whiplash when relief is just a phone call away. To learn more about the warning signs of whiplash and how your chiropractor can help you heal, call your chiropractor today.
If you suffer from the joint pain of arthritis, you already know how arthritis can impact your life. When you have arthritis, you can still live an active life. You can live well with arthritis.
Arthritis is a degenerative condition which begins with inflammation in your joints, followed by destruction of the joints. Your chiropractor can help relieve the pain of arthritis.
There are several types of arthritis, but the two most common types are osteoarthritis, caused by joint wear and tear, and rheumatoid arthritis, which is an autoimmune condition.
You are at greater risk of suffering from arthritis if you have a family history of arthritis, or:
You may be developing arthritis if you experience:
Living well with arthritis means making adjustments to your diet and lifestyle and taking advantage of wellness and healing services from your chiropractor. Your chiropractor can help you establish a diet and exercise plan to:
When you experience mild arthritis pain, you can:
For moderate to severe arthritis pain, your chiropractor may recommend:
You can still live well, even with arthritis. To learn more about the signs, symptoms, chiropractic treatment, diet, and lifestyle tips when you have arthritis, talk with an expert. Call your chiropractor today.
The team at One Source Integrative Medicine in Florence, SC, will utilize acupuncture to treat back and neck pain, menstrual pain, PMS syndrome, and irritable bowel syndrome, to name a few.
This homeopathic medicine is an ancient Chinese therapy that uses tiny, thin needles to stimulate points in the body.
It affects how the brain releases neurotransmitters and the flow of energy in the body leading to a reduction in the use of medications, reduced inflammation, and improved mobility.
Using homeopathy for fibromyalgia can help alleviate pain and symptoms. The therapy stimulates nerves to release endorphins, the body's natural "feel-good" chemicals.
Studies show that these procedure reduces inflammation, improves sleep, and relieves anxiety.
Several studies have found that this form of medicine treats migraines.
It is believed that needles promote blood flow to the brain and spinal cord, helping to relieve pain and relax muscles associated with migraines.
Women with painful periods have reported relief from this form of Chinese medicine can help reduce physical and psychological symptoms of PMS.
It can also reduce stress, anxiety, and depression and may improve the overall health of the reproductive organs.
The One Source Integrative Medicine team in Florence, SC, will perform acupuncture to help alleviate your menstrual pain and PMS syndromes.
Symptoms of menopause include hot flashes, vaginal dryness, memory loss, hair loss, low libido, and night sweats.
These methods can be a safe, effective, and drug-free approach to treating these menopause symptoms.
Using these methods to treat asthma can prove to be a viable option. There are several reasons why this is the case, including the fact that there are no known side effects.
Moreover, this is a natural fit for a patient who is already under medical care.
Irritable bowel syndrome is the most common digestive disorder. It can accompany abdominal pain, bloating, cramps, and gas.
This natural solution may improve the functionality of the gut as it helps regulate the movement of the digestive tract, reducing pain after food intake.
Besides preventing further damage to your joints, this natural treatment can also help manage the symptoms of arthritis, including reducing the inflammation associated with arthritis.
It is also considered safe and can be used with other medical treatments.
Several studies have shown that these natural treatments can reduce nausea and vomiting caused by chemotherapy.
Most patients report improved quality of life and decreased nausea and vomiting after receiving acupuncture.
Take advantage of the natural benefits of acupuncture in Florence, SC, by calling One Source Integrative Medicine at (843) 773-1444.
Back pain is a common problem, and so is bad posture. Your posture and back pain may be connected, and your chiropractor can help with both. Your chiropractor is an expert at diagnosis and treatment of back, neck, joint, and body pain, and can help you live a life free of pain.
Standing with a straight back and not slouching can help your back muscles stay strong. Your chiropractor can:
When you practice good posture, it can help ensure:
Bad posture is just one cause of back pain. Other causes of back pain include:
In addition to posture correction, your chiropractor can help relieve your back pain. Some of the back pain treatments your chiropractor may recommend include:
Practicing good posture is the foundation of preventing back pain. To find out more about the role of chiropractic care in improving posture and preventing back pain, talk with an expert. Call your chiropractor today.
Low back pain is a common problem for many people. In fact, the National Institutes of Health states that 80 percent of adults will experience low back pain at some point in their lives. If you have ever suffered from low back pain, you already know how it can impact your life.
Fortunately, your chiropractor is an expert at determining what is causing your low back pain and developing treatment solutions to help you find relief. Your chiropractor can help you achieve and maintain optimal health.
There are many causes of low back pain, including:
Mild low back pain may go away on its own, with a few simple tips for relief. You can try:
For moderate to severe low back pain, it’s best to visit your chiropractor for professional treatment. Your chiropractor may recommend these effective treatment options for low back pain:
Your chiropractor can also help you achieve and maintain long-term health goals so you can live your best life, free of low back pain. To learn more about how your chiropractor can help you get relief from low back pain, talk with your chiropractor today.
If you suffer from headaches and migraines, you are not alone. Headache and migraine pain can make you miserable. Fortunately, your chiropractor can help relieve headache pain, so you can enjoy life again.
There are a few factors that can lead to headaches and migraines, including:
Headache and migraine pain can cause throbbing, aching, and pressure which can become worse with different body positions. You may be compensating for headache and migraine pain by taking on the stress in your shoulders, upper body, and back. Soon enough, you may hurt all over.
Fortunately, your chiropractor offers a wide variety of services and treatments to ease your headache and migraine pain, so you can feel better. You can try a few simple remedies like these to get relief for mild headache pain:
For moderate to severe headache or migraine pain, or headache pain that doesn’t resolve with home treatments, your chiropractor may recommend:
Spinal adjustment treatments, will realign your neck and spine, relieving pressure on nerves.
Back and neck massage, which will relax muscle tension and promote an overall feeling of wellness.
Facial massage, is an excellent choice for sinus headaches because it helps drain fluids blocking your sinuses.
Biofeedback training, uses an electromyogram (EMG) to monitor your skeletal muscle tension, allowing you to relax tense muscles.
Relaxation training, which uses deep breathing exercises to reduce stress and stress headaches.
Exercising and stretching, will help maintain proper alignment, keeping your muscles elongated and relaxed.
Posture evaluation and correction, to help prevent muscle stress in your head, neck, and shoulders.
Don’t let headaches and migraines control your life. You can get relief. To learn more about how your chiropractor can help with your headaches and migraines, talk with an expert. Call your chiropractor today.
Your knees help you move, and they also help you enjoy many activities throughout your life. So what happens if you suffer from knee pain? Your chiropractor can help.
You may be suffering from knee pain due to strain of the tendons, ligaments, muscles, and other structures surrounding your knee joint. Common causes of knee pain include:
Knee pain can be sharp and come on suddenly. It can also develop gradually, becoming a dull ache. Whatever type of knee pain you have, it can be debilitating, keeping you from staying mobile and active.
For mild knee pain, you can try a few simple home remedies, including:
For moderate to severe knee pain, you need to visit your chiropractor, who may recommend:
Your chiropractor may also recommend lifestyle and exercise modifications to help prevent and reduce knee pain, so you can live your best life. Your chiropractor can help you get relief from knee pain, and it starts with just a simple phone call. To find out more about the causes and chiropractic treatments for knee pain, call your chiropractor today.
When you’re dealing with shoulder pain, it can be difficult just to do normal daily functions. You might find yourself struggling to put on a jacket or grab something off a high shelf. To treat shoulder pain, you first have to determine what could be causing your shoulder pain. There are many different issues that can affect the shoulder and talking to your chiropractor about your symptoms and the type of pain that you experience can help them determine what is affecting you and what kind of treatment would be best.
Shoulder pain can be caused by different conditions and different injuries. Your chiropractor can help adjust your shoulder to ease your pain, but in order to find full relief, it’s important to determine the cause. Once the cause is determined, it can be treated so that you can be free of pain and get back to your daily routine.
Some common causes of shoulder pain include issues such as:
Shoulder pain can also be caused if the shoulder becomes dislocated or if there’s a sprain. Your chiropractor can walk you through certain adjustments to ease your pain. You should also be sure to gently exercise at home and stretch on a regular basis. Some conditions might need medications to help ease your pain. You can also ice your shoulder and make sure to rest it and take over-the-counter pain relievers. Your doctor might also recommend putting your arm in a sling for a short period of time to ensure that the joint is able to heal correctly.
Find out what could be causing your shoulder pain. Contact your chiropractor to learn more about the common causes of shoulder pain and how it can be treated.