What to Expect During a Genetic Testing & Interpretation Session
If you’ve never been to a genetic testing and interoperation session, you might be wondering what to expect. A geneticist or trained genetic counselor at One Source Integrative Medicine will begin by asking you a comprehensive set of questions to determine your current health, including detailed family history, chronic pain, medications, and overall lifestyle. From there, a genetic sample will be taken—this can be a blood sample, but also saliva, skin, and amniotic fluid are also common sample types.
Your DNA is then sent to the lab, where it will be sequenced and processed according to the type of genetic testing ordered by your physician. Your DNA will be analyzed, and a follow-up appointment is scheduled where the results are interpreted by your doctor. Based on these results, a plan of treatment using various integrative therapies will be created and can last for several weeks, depending on your symptoms and disease.